Just A Guy Dealing With His Wife’s Menopause

Category: Just A Guy

I doubt there’s any way I can win writing about this menopause topic any more than commenting on PMS at all wins over women’s hearts.  But, that said, I have to say women’s plumbing and emotions continue to be a mystery to me.

My new wife has been “in menopause” since we met, so I actually have no idea who she really is.  First, there were the hot flashes.  Then, the moods.  Then, more moods.  Then, the new moods began, followed by the post hot flashes moods.  Did I mention her moods? When does menopause end??

OMG, when she reads this her mood is really going to improve.  But, seriously, there does certainly seem to be some changes going on.  The hot flashes have mostly stopped, but she’s undergoing real changes in her body that must be crazy making.  Especially for a woman who has always taken such great care of her body, in the form of working out regularly, eating well, and taking every vitamin supplement available at Whole Foods.

The treatment options are even more confusing.  Take hormones and you risk some disease.  Take custom-made hormones and you go broke and there really isn’t much difference.  Go to Chinese witch doctors and you brew foul-smelling teas.  You women just can’t win!

So, I know there’s just one solution for me.  No, not euthanasia (for either of us), but patience for me.  Thankfully, my boys don’t have a clue.  They just think we’re nuts all the time anyway.  But, what do I know; I’m just a guy.