Just A Guy and Bleeding

I’m going to reveal yet another male dirty little secret to add to my blogs on “Looking” and “Farting.”  We men don’t understand, feel comfortable around, or really “get” women and their bleeding.  Of course we know what it’s about, but women talk to us about it like we would talk about having a runny nose. But it’s bleeding.

My wife just went through an emergency that related to this part of female plumbing.  We ended up in the ER and I ended up doing the laundry.  I held her hand, I listened, I was worried, and the two doctors even showed me pictures and tried to explain. read more

Just A Guy Dealing With His Wife’s Menopause

I doubt there’s any way I can win writing about this menopause topic any more than commenting on PMS at all wins over women’s hearts.  But, that said, I have to say women’s plumbing and emotions continue to be a mystery to me.

My new wife has been “in menopause” since we met, so I actually have no idea who she really is.  First, there were the hot flashes.  Then, the moods.  Then, more moods.  Then, the new moods began, followed by the post hot flashes moods.  Did I mention her moods? When does menopause end?? read more