Do we get lazy with our winter time workouts? Does inclement weather discourage you? Exercise and workouts must be a year-round habit. For me, as you can see above, I love to ski but that is limited as far as its frequency. We will discuss both exercise, workouts, diet and more with Heather Frey aka @SmashFit, this Thursday, March 7 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. Heather will also chat about her Change Challenge, which she presented on The Ricki Lake Show. Dress for this chat is “workout casual.”
Tag Archives: Diet
Men vs. Women: Dieting, Exercise, and Losing Weight
Well, it seems perfect to take on dieting and losing weight early in the year since it is the NUMBER ONE resolution most people make every New Year! But, like every column in this ongoing series, men and women approach diet, weight loss, and exercise quite differently. And, like every column in this series, I will be making many generalizations, which often and usually have exceptions. And, I will do my best to annoy any Women’s Studies professors and/or students!
What are WE Eating? – #DadChat
What are we eating? What do our kids eat? California is asking this question via Prop 37 which is simply asking food manufacturers to include when GMOs are in our food. GMOs are Genetically Modified Organisms. This was a passionate #DadChat on Thursday, November 1 with respectful dialogue on both sides of the issue. Sadly, the official transcript is incomplete due to server issues, but below are the rough stats and I know we had over 200 people, participating!
Bruce is Going #Vegan
I’ve been going #Vegan going on six months now. This video and the interviews were done just a few weeks into this new diet, as I was just going #vegan. Since then, I’ve had a second doctor’s visit with equally positive results. HOWEVER, my doc convinced me to add a bit of chicken to my diet as a precaution to be sure I was getting enough protein.
Walk a Mile In My Shoes (aka Getting Fat Is Not Fun)
Why does it often take a personal experience, of the same sort, to have genuine empathy for others who have similar troubles? Like the couple that can’t conceive children but certainly understands the emotions others feel in their situation. Or, the crime victim who completely understands the pain and suffering that another victim feels. But, with the weight-challenged (e.g people dealing with being overweight), much of society has little sympathy. Including me–until recently.
I’m a man in my fifties, who had been blessed with a high metabolism, and good genes, plus a love of exercise, so it was no particular challenge for me to maintain my young adult weight of 175 lbs., all my life. Then, something changed. My doctors and I are not sure if there’s been a specific cause, though the superficial evidence points to my metabolism having been affected by a head injury I suffered almost two years ago.
Just A Guy Getting Fatter
So, I had a little ski accident that I’ve already written about in “Just A Guy Overcoming His Fear.” The only residual damage I’ve had is that I keep getting fatter and I can’t lose the weight I gained from the period in which I had to be relatively sedentary! I then went back to my usual routine of working out and couldn’t bloody lose the extra 15 pounds! What gives?