A Cornucopia of Unrelated Revelations

For something new, here is a cornucopia of unrelated revelations I have come across….

1.    I text when I drive?  My younger son gets crazy on me and points it out in the same way I’d point out a mistake or poor choice he’d make.  It doesn’t give me much credibility when I continue this dangerous and foolish behavior.

2.    Why is it that our kids seem so much more aware of life (e.g. sex) yet seem to mature later and leave the house even later?

3.    Does anyone have dinner parties anymore? read more

Just A Guy Forgetting Everything

Okay, girls, it isn’t just you during pregnancy or menopause that keeps forgetting everything (or so it seems).  I’m suffering it and I only was pregnant once!  Seriously, I’ve been fond of saying for the past decade or so, that the only thing I remember is what I had for breakfast.  And, the only reason I remember that is because I have the same thing every day.

Does anyone believe those advertised memory supplements work?  I can’t remember anyone’s name.  My wife’s name literally is one letter’s difference from my ex-wife’s name.  It took nearly two years before I stopped calling her by my ex’s name.  All the bruises I suffered as a result, and I couldn’t blame her. read more