Just A Guy Farting

Okay, let’s admit it.  We guys tend to let loose with the occasional bodily “expression,” and in the case of me and my boys, we really do enjoy hearty burping or guy farting.  In fact, we have a family tradition of saying “Ralph” when we burp.  Try it sometime; you’ll crack up.

This is another significant difference between men and women.  Not only do we enjoy it; we validate each other for a “good one.”  While my wife was gone, caring for her mother recently, it allowed my boys and I to revert to our Neanderthal behaviors.  You know, the stuff that comes “naturally.” read more

Just A Guy Without His Wife

I’m just a guy without his wife. She is out of town and, gulp, I have to admit I sort of like it.  The reason she’s gone I don’t like, as her mother is having some serious surgery, and we’re all concerned.  Putting that aside, I must say I’m enjoying the alone time.  In short order, I will miss her as I love her dearly and appreciate all the good she brings into our house, for my boys and myself.  But, for the moment, it’s sort of cool.

My parents were of that “other” generation.  They met when they were 17 and 14, married in their early twenties, and were together EVERY day of their lives unless one of them was in the hospital.  EVERY day, for 66 years.  No typo.  They also had lunch together nearly EVERY day.  Theirs was a love for the ages. read more