What Are Your Social Media Tools?

Category: Weekly Columns

When I first began writing, I wrote for a local throwaway newspaper. I had no idea what a blog or blogger was. I did know about downloading music online and email. MySpace was a big deal for a while. YouTube had yet to appear. Oh, and I heard about all the porn. Not much else. Facebook, Schmacebook. Twiiter? Why did I need to know where you were having lunch? Tweet Chats? Gimme a break…another chat room? Forget it.

I hired a tutor to teach me the basics of Facebook, Twitter, and how to broaden my writing to include a website and more. Being an old fart, I needed and still often need hands-on help to pick up this stuff. It works best when I sit side-by-side with someone in the know, as I did with those tutorials.

Over time, I actually surpassed my tutor in some of the common measurements of SoMe success such as Klout, number of followers, and such. My tutor took a very formal approach to using Social Media while I sort of threw it up against the wall and saw what stuck. I still do. Occasionally, I get myself in trouble but, more often, I have a blast.

As with most rules, my first instinct is to ignore them, but with time I’ve come to terms with some netiquette and have great SoMe friends who keep me in line. I get the heads-up when I may have either crossed a line (thank you, @DadaRocks!) or aren’t applying the best practices, SMManners (thank you, @DabneyPorte). Other friends – @mqtodd – tell me why I must do Empire Avenue, or Google+ – @GuyKawasaki. And, others tout StumbleUpon and Pinterest.

So far, I’m doing my writing (aka blog – I just don’t like that term; much preferring writing and writer). I pay close attention to my A Dad’s Point-of-View Facebook Page, less to my personal profile, join a number of TweetChats regularly such as #blogchat, #FriendsOfRicki, #tchat, #CMchat, #CollegeCash, and more, as well as guest-host for many others. When I’m bored or want to shoot-the-shit, I head over to #UsGuys.

Beyond that, I tweet on average 75 times per day. I also use and spend a considerable amount of time with Triberr, where I am chief of the DadChat tribe and a peon in several others. Through the people I’ve met in these tribes, I follow a lot of smart writers and SoMe pros. I pride myself on commenting and/or tweeting a majority of the stream that my 200+ tribe mates generate. For that matter, I’m a big commenter altogether – another avenue for me to use my big mouth.

All of that social media activity doesn’t fill my days, as I also attend and speak at major conferences, such as BlogWorld and the 140confs, write the Because I Said So comic strip (expertly illustrated by @VoogDesigns), broadcast a radio show that appears on 4 AM stations nationwide, post two weekly columns, and video, edit, and post a weekly vlog, called I’m NOT That Dad, and edit/post other videos on my YouTube Channel (a lot of ski videos!) I’ve written 24 articles for the wonderful 12Most.com as well as guest-blogged on dozens of others. That part of my writing life is coming to an end since there really are only 168 hours a week.

So, all this SSP (shameless self-promoting) notwithstanding, I come back to my question. Which social media tools do you use?

Below is a list from listly in which you can vote and contribute your own items directly to this list. TY @NickKellet for doing this. I have no idea about it but I like and trust Nick.

Nick Kellet Nick Kellet
Listly Curator Listly Curator
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15 items   10 followers   5 votes   4.18k views

Bruce Sallan's Tool List

Source: http://www.brucesallan.com/2012/06/09/social-media-tools/



Jun 09, 2012
Jun 09, 2012 - twitter.com - 390

Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.

Jun 09, 2012 - plus.google.com - 361
Google+: real life sharing, rethought for the web.

Google+ aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Check out Circles, Messenger and Hangouts, just a few of the things we've been working on.

Jun 09, 2012 - triberr.com - 450
Triberr - The Reach Multiplier | Triberr

Triberr is a website for bloggers interested in increasing their reach.

Jun 13, 2012 - list.ly - 459
Listly - Lists made easy + social + fun! - Listly

Listly helps bloggers and publishers engage readers with continuously evolving viral lists


Blogging / Writing Tools

Jun 09, 2012
Blogging / Writing Tools


Jun 09, 2012
Jun 09, 2012 - pinterest.com - 412
Pinterest / Home

Pinterest is an online pinboard.

Jun 09, 2012 - stumbleupon.com - 361
Explore more. Web pages, photos, and videos | StumbleUpon.com

StumbleUpon is the easiest way to discover new and interesting web pages, photos and videos across the Web.

Jun 09, 2012 - digg.com - 380
All Topics - The Latest News Headlines, Videos and Images - Digg

The best news, videos and pictures on the web as voted on by the Digg community. Breaking news on Technology, Politics, Entertainment, and more!

Jun 09, 2012 - linkedin.com - 329
World's Largest Professional Network | LinkedIn

150 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.

Jun 09, 2012 - instagram.com - 426

It’s a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your photos with friends and family.

Jun 09, 2012 - youtube.com - 389
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world



Jun 09, 2012
Jun 09, 2012 - myspace.com - 375
Myspace | Social Entertainment

Myspace is the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of fans. Music, movies, celebs, TV, and games made social.

Please let me know your thoughts on all of this in the comments section below. And, please tell me which you believe I must include in my SoMe life!