Just A Guy and His In-Laws

In-Laws.  They make movies about them.  They write jokes about them.  They make marriages more complicated.  And, I have them.  Second time around.  Much better, but still a challenge.

First time, I started off on the wrong foot by wanting to know why my wife had no relationship with one of her sisters.  Evidently, wrong question.  I then completely ate my foot when they offered to get us a camcorder for a wedding present and I had the temerity to want a voice in the choice.  Being in the “business,” I knew what features I wanted.  Oops. read more

Just A Guy Dealing With Money, Money, Money

Potential lessons abound today, as we’re dealing with money crises, the worst of my and my boys’ lives.  My boys will gain wisdom from this. So will I.  Things often taken for granted will no longer be. I will live the life I preach and take the same, at times, harsh medicine I’m asking them to swallow.

The other day I was helping my younger son set up his computer. He inherited my old one. I looked around his room and realized the extraordinary amount of “things” he possessed and that he’d known no other way of living.  There was a TV, DVD player, two or three portable video game devices, an “old” and “new” cell-phone, and more boxed DVD sets than they carry at Blockbuster.  And, now, his own computer, albeit a “used” one.  Nah, the lessons they’ll learn will serve them well. read more