Dad Progress at #DadChat

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This week’s #DadChat is coming to you LIVE from the 2014 Dad 2.0 Summit in New Orleans where #DadChat is a media partner for the third year in a row. A theme of this year’s conference is the progress dads have made in both perception and productivity, in the media, in marketing and at home. This Thursday, January 30 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET join me and the Dad 2.0 dads live from a NOLA Jazz Club at the opening reception of this year’s conference as we chat, connect, and explore these topics.

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Dad Gets Sentimental on Father’s Day

Dad Gets Sentimental On Father's Day

It’s another Father’s Day and while I’m NOT That Dad, and “Son” is not my son, my son Aaron did draw this B&W cartoon for me for Father’s Day, 2008. I used to go around the house singing that song to the melody of the Indiana Jones theme song. I can be sentimental at times. Enjoy my Father’s Day column, Father’s Day: Things I’ve Loved and Learned as a Dad.

Syndication rights to the Because I Said So comic strips are now available. Contact me for more information on carrying this truly NEW comic strip!

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Father’s Day: Things I’ve Loved and Learned as a Dad

Now that my first-born is going to college, passed his 18th birthday milestone, and I’ve been a dad for nearly two decades, it’s time with this Father’s Day to reflect on some highs and lows of my dad-journey! Without a doubt, being a dad has been the highlight of my life. Granted, walking on the grounds of Wimbledon and seeing The Stones are also high on my list, but those fit more in the fun category of life and are fleeting in nature. Being a dad, as the title of this column implies, is a more enduring and challenging experience!

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What Happened to Shame?

Before I delve into the subject of what happened to shame, I want to share some news of which I’m very unashamed and proud.  I have a new radio show called “The Bruce Sallan Show–A Dad’s Point-of-View,” which is inspired, if not actually based, on my columns.  It is broadcast on KZSB AM1290, The Santa Barbara News Press Radio Station, and can be heard “live” on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m., PST with re-broadcasts each Thursday evening from 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., PST and Saturdays from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m, PST.  The show is available to hear on the Internet anywhere in the world via “live streaming,” which is accessible on my web-site ( Each show is archived, also on my web-site, for listening anytime, without commercials.

Right now, the format of the show is in five segments.  The first one features me introducing each show, giving the call-in and e-mail information, taking calls, and presenting each week’s topic.  What follows next are three segments, each with different guests, “The Men’s Room,” “Teen Rap,” and “Single Parent Seeking.” The last segment is me, again, wrapping up the show with a summary of what was discussed, more calls and e-mail, and a peek or tease about next week’s show.

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Just A Guy Who Likes Making More Money

There was a recent Pew Center study ( that revealed how much more equal income has become between the genders. In more cases than ever, more women are working and more women are earning higher income than their male counterparts.  While I believe totally in equal pay for equal work, I do question the impact on relationships when the woman is making more than the man.

With each generation becoming more accustomed to gender equality, I feel it will eventually settle into a comfortable reality that men and women will accept.  But, for now and maybe longer, the inherent gender differences may remain and be a problem between couples when the woman is making more than the man.

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Were Your Father and Mother There For You?

This topic is so obvious yet I have yet to write about it. It may be partly because it is so close to home, for my boys.  I was blessed to have my father and mother in my life completely and lovingly, until they died in recent years (at 89 and 90).  They loved me, supported me, and told me the truth when I needed to hear it, whether I wanted it or not.

As is so often the case, I found their wisdom to be true once I survived my teens and particularly when I became a parent myself.  They also modeled a love affair and marriage that was the envy of all their friends, since they knew each other for 73 years and were married for 66.  It was a wonderful match. They survived two of their three children, but always stood by each other and I am so grateful for all that they did for me.

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Turbulence Ahead — Raising Teens Is No Picnic!

My wife dragged me to her church for an all-day seminar called “Turbulence Ahead–Parenting Teens Through the Bumpy Years.”  I went along, in support of her and in support of her recent “turbulence” with our oldest son, who is 16½ and a handful.  But, my initial reaction was that this was a long time to spend on a subject that I know pretty well, which is that raising teens is no picnic.

At the seminar, it was quickly evident that my knowledge on the subject could certainly use a refresher, if not a full-on course.  Within minutes, I grabbed the pen that we were given and I began taking notes.  I ran out of space and in no time, I filled up the supplied notes sections of the program brochure.

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