Can a Relationship Survive This Much Stress?

How much stress can a new relationship survive?  I am fond of quoting the cliché that most of us would rather keep our own problems vs. trade with someone else.  Yet, lately, I wonder.  Okay, I’ll keep our troubles, but it does raise the notion of enough is enough.

I just had a ski accident in which I fell so hard that I was knocked unconscious.  There were apparently no witnesses and I still don’t remember exactly what happened since the only thing I recall is waking up on the emergency toboggan, zooming down the mountain, being loaded into the ambulance, and taken to the Emergency Room.  After a bit of prodding, I knew my name and began to feel the hurt in my shoulder.  Later, all my memory returned except for the accident itself, which remains a mystery. read more

Just A Guy Forgetting Everything

Okay, girls, it isn’t just you during pregnancy or menopause that keeps forgetting everything (or so it seems).  I’m suffering it and I only was pregnant once!  Seriously, I’ve been fond of saying for the past decade or so, that the only thing I remember is what I had for breakfast.  And, the only reason I remember that is because I have the same thing every day.

Does anyone believe those advertised memory supplements work?  I can’t remember anyone’s name.  My wife’s name literally is one letter’s difference from my ex-wife’s name.  It took nearly two years before I stopped calling her by my ex’s name.  All the bruises I suffered as a result, and I couldn’t blame her. read more