Social Media Social Good – Just a Second

Bad customer service comic

We all have those expressions that drive us nuts. For me, it’s “just a second” and “reason why.” The latter is simply bad usage of English and redundant. Either “reason” or “why” is sufficient. Try it and you’ll see, and agree. But, “just a second” has ramifications well beyond poor grammar. No, it’s not the end of the world, but it’s a regular annoyance that relates to something long gone from our world — customer service.

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Photos, Videos, Music Rights, and YouTube – Copyrights

Internet piracy comic - irony

There is always ongoing discussion about copyright issues. YouTube has become extremely aggressive in enforcing video and music usage lapses – or what they and various rights-holders consider lapses. We all know that piracy issues and so-called free web-sharing sites that began with Napster have hit the music industry very hard. The film industry has been fighting movie/vhs/dvd piracy and copyright issues for decades

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#IRL Means In Real Life

Beyonce funny photo

Recently I had a couple of experiences that reminded me of the folly of thinking we have a great social life if we have a bunch of Facebook, Twitter, and other online friends. Yes, “virtual friends” can be meaningful, but nothing trumps meeting and knowing people IRL, aka in real life. In Real Life means face to face, sitting near one another, interacting in real time, and otherwise being a human being. Yes, it’s alien to many of us – especially our kids – but it brings rewards that can’t be calculated by Klout or the number of “likes” or so-called “followers” you might have.

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Instagram Reveals Who We Are

Cartoon about Instagram

Instagram is one of those new platforms that have been an instant success. Like most new things, I tend to wait and get aboard only when I have to – I’m forced to – or really, when I finally get over my anxiety about learning it. Now, I love using it and I share really important things via the photos I take with my phone. Things such as what I’m eating for breakfast, hundreds of photos of Simon (my dog), and my feet, when I’m napping.

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Social Media Social Good: Is Commenting Dead?

Always plugged-in comic

I used to comment on various blogs ALL the time. It was an indispensible part of growing my Social Media presence. For a variety of reasons, my commenting has slowed down to a trickle. I still advocate the value of commenting in tweets, on #blogchat (where I’m a regular participant), my own #DadChat, and in columns and even when I speak at conferences. So, why have I slowed down so significantly?

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Social Media Social Good: New Platforms

Learning Social Media comic

I’m a creature of habit. It may have begun in Junior High at homeroom when I had an assigned seat I think, for the first time. Yeah, I know they call it “Middle School” now, but my age is part of the point of this column. I’m old and set in my ways and learning new platforms or most any new tech or tech device can make me crazy (Sorry PC Police for using a banned word!). Heck, I don’t like any change.

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What Does Instagram Say About Us?

Cartoon about Instagram

Instagram is one of those new platforms that have been an instant success. Like most new things, I tend to wait and get aboard only when I have to – I’m forced to – or really, when I finally get over my anxiety about learning it. Now, I love using it and I share really important things via the photos I take with my phone. Things such as what I’m eating for breakfast, hundreds of photos of Simon (my dog), and my feet, when I’m napping.

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How Much is One Billion: 1,000,000,000?

What is one billion?

#DadChat recently surpassed one billion impressions for the first few months of 2013 – an impressive number, but so what? Numbers and statistics are bandied about by just about everyone. It starts with our age. When we’re little kids we tell our age in fractions – heck, mom and dad say “Little Sally” is 7 1/2 months old, if asked. Once our kids are old enough to say their age, it’s usually with fingers and a fraction AND often with “I’m going to be FOUR!” Once you’re my age, you stick with your current age until the DAY of your next birthday. But, how much is one billion? How much is one trillion? And, what do numbers like these mean in Social Media?

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