Men vs. Women: Dieting, Exercise, and Losing Weight

DietingWell, it seems perfect to take on dieting and losing weight early in the year since it is the NUMBER ONE resolution most people make every New Year! But, like every column in this ongoing series, men and women approach diet, weight loss, and exercise quite differently. And, like every column in this series, I will be making many generalizations, which often and usually have exceptions. And, I will do my best to annoy any Women’s Studies professors and/or students!

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@GetUnreal at #DadChat

We GOT Unreal on Thursday, June 28th from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT for @GetUnreal at #DadChat and learned about Unreal and how you can make efforts to unjunk your kid’s snack foods! We were joined by co-host @TheGoToMom, and guests @markhymanmd, and @GetUnreal. Three lucky winners won gift packs of Unreal. It was a spirited, informative, and oh-so-fun chat. Read the transcript (which may be lagging due to some tech problems with Twitter).

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