Ted Rubin Reflects on 2014 and What Portends in #SocialMedia Going Forward at #DadChat #Socks

Social Media Trends for 2015

We close out our year at #DadChat with our friend and previous guest, Ted Rubin. He and we are going to reflect on this past year and look at things we expect and hope for in the New Year. Yes, we’ll focus on #SocialMedia and its trends, but we’ll also share our personal hopes, desires, and wishes (for ourselves and our family). Join us Thursday, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET.

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New Year’s List: Seven Attitudes of Gratitude

Okay, I haven’t done this list before, but it is now going to be an annual event. Gratitude, as my friend Dennis Prager espouses, is the number one ingredient to happiness. I completely concur. He wrote a whole book on happiness and dedicates one hour of his weekly show to that topic because he believes happy people make a better world. Don’t you?

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We Ranted Out the Year at #DadChat

 Ranted out

So, what has you really irked this past year? We ranted out the year and had an all-out RANT-A-THON at #DadChat on Thursday, December 27th, though it turned into a positive reflection on the good in our lives rather than just a whining sessions. Says something about our community!  Read the transcript and see you next year!

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Christmas & New Year’s: 12 Reflections

I love Andy William’s song It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, and feel sad at his passing this year. There’s such an irony in how we approach The Holidays or, more specifically, how we are expected to approach them. There’s all the music – EVERYWHERE. There’s all the decorations and there’s all the expectations. Yet, many families truly struggle with Christmas and New Year’s (as well as Thanksgiving).

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No New Year’s Resolutions

For the past few years, I’ve written a New Year’s resolutions column. One year it was pretty straightforward while another year I scored the previous year’s resolutions using baseball terms and statistics. But, the reality is that I feel about New Year’s resolutions a little bit like I feel about New Year’s Eve. It’s a big nothing and usually a big waste of money!

The best New Year’s Eves I’ve ever had, have been with my wife, alone at home, a great movie or two to watch, and a good bottle of champagne to share after we’d made and eaten a wonderful meal together. One New Year’s Eve, when my first-born son was just 13 months old, we sat down to watch a movie, happily full from the meal we had just consumed. This was when I was married, to my first wife: the mother of my two boys.

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