What’s On Your Mind? #DadChat is Open Forum This Week!

Cartoon about what's on your mind - person and dogSometimes, I envy my dogs’ lives! So simple. The world is a complicated place these days – always has been. But, as a parent we face concerns beyond ourselves. Let’s share what is on OUR minds – whether it be serious or light this Thursday, March 5 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. I might have a cool giveaway, too!


Things I’ve Learned – I’m NOT That Dad #19

What lessons have you learned from LIFE? With Father’s Day coming up, I share some I learned being a dad in this week’s column, Things I’ve Loved and Learned Being a Dad. I share these lessons on my Radio Show every week in 1-minute form. Here you see me recording some of them. I hope you like it and I’d love to know your Life Lessons?

Life Affirming Lessons From a Suicide


There are many relationships we have in life, naturally. We have family, friends, business associates, and what I like to call, Virtual friends. Virtual friends are those we know via Social Media but may have never really met. I have many of these relationships, some of which have bloomed into meaningful associations and actual real-life friendships. Recently, I learned that one of my Virtual friends had committed suicide. He was a very successful man, father of six, and one of those friends I’d never met or spoken with. On a larger scale, teen suicide is horribly epidemic and we parents MUST be conscious and aware of this tragic risk to our kids.

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