It’s A Tech World, After All

I love technology.  I hate technology.  I get so frustrated with technology.  All of the above.  That’s my generation and definitely me.  My friend Marty is a tech world wizard, while my wife is still using computers primarily for e-mail.  I’m somewhat in the middle with my knowledge and depth of tech use and dependence, though my boys laugh at my attempts to learn anything new.  But, it’s hard to resist all we hear about what every new tech gadget has to offer, especially for us men (a.k.a. boys and their toys).

When I get a new tech device, like a digital camera for instance, I am very excited by the purchase and I take it home with pride and eagerness.  I carefully place it on my desk where it usually sits for a week or so until I muster the courage to open the box.  Then, I take out the various parts of the device, and ask for some help to lift out the user manual.  On viewing this lengthy document, in 42 different languages, I sit down discouraged, and place all the pieces and the manual on top of the just opened box, where it will sit for another week or two.  A strong drink will finally give me the courage to start the learning process. read more

My Kids Aren’t Me, in Spite of Sharing the Same DNA

I think the hardest lesson for me in becoming a parent was learning to let go of my expectations for my sons.  Okay, I’ll be completely honest; I’ve only been able to partially let go of them.  I think it’s impossible not to have some wishes for our kids, but the focus here is really on how we have specific things we hope they’ll like or do that often mirror our own interests or fantasies.

When I was a member of the Big Brother organization it had the unexpected effect of turning out to be a parenting prep course.  The “Little” (the term for the kid you are matched with) I had was a young eight-year-old girl who totally didn’t like doing anything physical.  This was before I was married, let alone before I became a parent. 

In those days, they matched girls with Big Brothers, something that is all too rare today, due to fears enhanced by the media and the exaggeration of sexual harassment.  Another topic for another column, for sure, as the little girls without fathers need the “Bigs” just as much as the little boys do, so this is a terrible loss for them.  read more