1/30/12 – It’s #MusicMonday on our A Dad’s Point-of-View Facebook Page. We are remembering Mozart and Etta James. Please join over 4,200 people worldwide that already “like” our Page! Also, you may enjoy my column, “Why Facebook Pages Work.”
The NEW A Dad’s Point-of-View column is What Will I Leave My Boys? It shares things I hope to leave them that may be more important than money and “things!”
Thursday night at #DadChat we will be talking about a sensitive subject, Sex, Our Kids, and Us. We have a very special guest who has been there and speaks from experience. Details coming for this chat on Thursday, Feb. 2 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST.
Okay, PC Police BEWARE as my post about the REAL Differences Between Men and Women. I write the truth but Women’s Studies professors and ardent feminists, you may want to pass up this one!
Enjoy the new Because I Said So comic strip, OMG, What Does THAT Mean?
We are having a contest! “Find” the secret word in last week’s radio broadcast and win your very own caricature from our extraordinary “Because I Said So” illustrator, VoogDesigns. ALL you have to do is email me the secret word to [email protected] and include something “extra.” The winner will be announced on air, February 2, but you do not have to be listening to win.
It’s been snowing in the mountains. PERFECT. Enjoy the videos and stills in my post, Why I LOVE to Ski.
RU cool to UR kids? Here’s some tips on How to Stay Cool to Your Kids. Enjoy and maybe it will help you be cool (to them)?
The brand-new A Dad’s Point-of-View Store is OPEN. Get all sorts of fun things from mugs to t-shirts, hats to totes. AND, you get to choose the many great images to put on anything you buy!
The “A Dad’s Point-of-View” radio show is now on 4 AM stations! KRSA Petersburg 580 AM in Alaska, Madison 1670 WTDY in Madison, Wisconsin, Newstalk 1420 WHK in Cleveland, Ohio, and my home station, KZSB AM1290 in Santa Barbara, California! A demo/Intro of my Radio Show, in a fast-paced 5 minutes, is here on the Radio Show Page.
Are you following me on Twitter?

Editors and Publishers: If you’d like to carry my column, “A Dad’s Point-of-View™,” it is available for your newspaper or Web site. For more details, please contact me. Readers and Editors alike: Please be aware that a new column is posted in the “My Column” section every week.
I’m available for speaking engagements for your parenting groups, PTA’s, churches and synagogues, or any organization that is interested in a spirited parenting talk with a passionate dad who has lived through many parenting challenges. For more information and sample audio and video, please visit the Speaking Page.
Becoming a writer and a columnist was always the direction I expected to follow, as I worked with writers constantly in my first career as a television executive and producer (see my credits and resume). But in those days, I never actually set pen to paper — or fingers to keyboard.
“A Dad’s Point-of-View” began many years ago, when I was hired as a columnist for a local paper. At the end of 2008, I began my self-syndicating efforts to expand by sending out literally thousands of emails. The response was overwhelming as my column now appears in over 100 newspapers and Web sites here in the U.S. and internationally. There are sites carrying my column in the U.K., India, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Australia, and Israel.
I now have a Radio Show – The Bruce Sallan Show – A Dad’s Point-of-View – that is carried on several stations and is, happily, growing steadily with more stations to follow. Info is in our Radio Show page.
The subjects I cover include parenting, raising boys, marital advice, blending families and dealing with step-parenting, Faith and “Big Issues,” all the ups and downs of separation and divorce, as well as the general parenting perspective from a man’s point-of-view which, I fervently assert, is different from a woman’s!
I have an “A Dad’s Point-of-View” Page on Facebook and would love you “like” it and participate.