Dad Quotes: Quotations from A Dad’s Point-of-View

Dad Quotes, Parenting Quotes and Life Quotes! As I go through life I find nuggets of wisdom, in the form of these quotations, that I think could be valuable to any and every parent raising children.
These are quotes of mine from my columns, radio show, books, and life. Use them however you wish as long as you please give attribution to the source, “by Bruce Sallan” (or, “Quote by Bruce Sallan”). I hope they inspire you and those you share them with.
- Knowing our kid’s friends is knowing our kids!
- Too many parents are TOO busy to parent…
- Golf is a game of inches…Life is a game of moments
- Parents are WAY too involved in their kids lives – helicoptering them to dependence!
- Gratitude is like a muscle…you don’t use it, it will atrophy. You must exercise it, teach it, and live it!
- Social Media = Social Good
- It isn’t what’s between your legs that determine a good parent; it’s what’s between your ears and in your heart.
- Adolescence begins with biology, and ends with culture – Pastor Drew Sams (this one is not mine!)
- Hope is essential, but hoping without effort is childish.
- The only thing you can do as the parent of a teenager is try and keep them alive.
- Life’s not fair; get used to it!
- (For Men): If you do not have men friends that you can really talk to about your life, then get out there and find them.
- Support your kid’s passions rather than your own.
- Do you want to be right or do you want to be married?
- We give in to our children’s whims and complaints too easily. Sometimes, we as parents need to take care of our own needs.
- There are no perfect friends.
- Good marriages are a lot more like, “Let’s Make a Deal!”
- A positive attitude is like a magnet.
- Life: wait a minute and it will change…the good and the bad.
- Marriage is work, but it’s worth it.
- Raising kids takes a lot of luck. Sometimes it just isn’t your fault.
- Stick with your rules, don’t feel sorry for your kids, and don’t let them manipulate you. Rules are rules. Otherwise, they know you’re not serious and won’t take you seriously.
- Don’t live your life vicariously through your kids.
- There is NO excuse not to have a regular family dinner.
- Since you are not perfect, don’t expect anyone else to be.
- The ONLY thing good about getting older is getting better (at relationships).
- When you give, you ALWAYS get.
- Women need men just as much as men need women.
- Stop worrying about being your child’s best friend and instead worry about being their best parent.
- Your kids are not YOU, regardless of sharing your DNA or raising them.
- There is NO such thing as “Quality Time.” There is ONLY “Quantity Time.”
- The only thing I control is what I eat for breakfast.
Get Bruce’s first book, A Dad’s Point-of-View: We ARE Half the Equation at Amazon, iTunes,, or The Store here on our web site.
Have a Kindle? Try out my new Interactive E-Book with over 100 photos, 7 videos and links to sites ‘on the road’! The Empty-Nest Road Trip Blues: An Interactive Journal from A Dad’s Point-of-View. You can find this book and others written by me on, here on my web store, and at major book retailers across the United States.