Just A Guy Having the Sex Talk (with his kids)

I remember when my dad had the sex talk with me.  It was at a BBQ joint with sawdust on the floor.  He talked mostly in euphemisms and I didn’t really understand much at all.  Not a great beginning as I fumbled along for years to come.

However, I was determined to handle things differently with my boys and, as luck and coincidence had it, I ended up having the sex talk with each boy in the past few months. I sort of had it with my older one before, but he’d gotten a girlfriend and I had to be sure he understood the rules, obligations, and risks. So, we had a second talk, so I could be confident he knew the basics.

With my youngest, it occurred spontaneously the other evening at a crowded Japanese restaurant.  It was amazing how little he understood or knew from school.  For instance, he thought a woman could get pregnant any time of the month. read more

Just A Guy Feeling Left Out

My son is almost 16 and he now has a girlfriend.  Evidently it’s “official” as both have declared they’re “in a relationship” on their Facebook pages.  Everyone in my family, my wife and younger son, says it’s none of my business.  I can’t help it; I’m feeling left out and curious.  Is this so wrong?  I also want to be sure he’s handling “things” appropriately.

He has gone from being the quintessential guy’s guy, only hanging out with his male buddies, to having a posse of female friends, one “special” one now, and his male friends seem to have bit the dust, except for his band-mates. read more