#DadChat Is Having a Scavenger Hunt and Discussing Holiday Stress


scavenger hunt

#DadChat is Thursday, November 3 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST.

Our topic is Holiday Stress.

#DadChat is having the first-ever Tweet Chat Scavenger Hunt!  We are giving away TEN copies of The Voice: Step Into the Story of Scripture, a brand new translation of the Bible. The first ten peeps who find the answers to the three questions that make up our Scavenger Hunt will win! You will have to hunt for the answers.You have to earn our giveaways!

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When to Have Kids


The “common” response I get when asking a young couple, or married man or woman, about when they plan on having kids is remarkably consistent. Yes, some say they don’t want children and I totally support that choice. Absolutely do not have ‘em if you don’t want ‘em! But, for the rest, their answers tend to follow this scene:

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#DadChat Celebrates Halloween

halloween#DadChat celebrates Halloween this week! Bring your costume, your scariest stories, your favorite horror movie, best Halloween song, pictures of your kids, and let’s scare up some fun! It begins Thursday, October 27 at 6:00 p.m., PST (that’s 8:00 p.m., CST and 9:00 p.m., E.T.) or come earlier for our pre-chat party!

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The Value of Money and Occupy Wall Street #OWS


 Hmmm, ya think she took the day off from work?

For this dad, the #OWS (Occupy Wall Street) protests are a lot of hooey with no message, no cohesiveness, and a lot of mess and disorderly conduct. For this man, it’s a bunch of lazy, spoiled kids looking for an excuse to party. For this radio host, it’s another excuse for #MSM (Main Stream Media) to provide yet another skewed view of the news. It is also yet another demonstration of the diminution of the value of hard work and money.

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Money Money Money

It’s hard for me to believe, but after writing more than one hundred “A Dad’s Point-of-View” columns, I’ve yet to tackle one of the biggest issues in families. It is one of the issues that causes more dissension among couples than any others–money.  It’s said that money, children, moving, in-laws, and sex are among the hot-button subjects that are the most likely to create tensions between spouses. Would you agree?

In recessionary times, money can’t help but be on most people’s minds and affect their lives, their kids, and in some 10% of American families, their employment.  How we deal with our finances is indeed a paramount subject and we all look at George Washington and other presidents that appear on our paper bills differently.  Personally, on this subject I prefer Benjamin Franklin.

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