The #DadChat Tweet Chat – For Anyone Who Is a Parent or Was a Child!
All future DadChat topics and details will be posted on its own page. Following are some of the highlights of recent chats and further down, a more general overview and suggestions/tips for joining in.
#DadChat on Thursday, November 10, at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m, PST was about Sex and Our Kids. We also had two charity auctions for OUR troops and raised over $500. #DadChat, as far as I know, is the first and ONLY Tweet Chat to do charity auctions!
#DadChat had our first Scavenger Hunt Thursday, November 3 at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST! We gave away TEN copies of The Voice: Step Into the Story of Scripture, a brand new translation of the Bible. The first ten peeps who found the answers to the three questions that made up the Scavenger Hunt won. You have to earn our giveaways!
We had a #DadChat Halloween on Thursday, October 27! @Josepf and @HowToBeADad won TWO Expo passes to Blogworld L.A. Congrats to you both! In spite of the World Series, we had our biggest chat with over 100 contributors, over 1000 tweets, and over 7,000,000 “Impressions!”
The #BestKidPhoto contest was won by “Farmer Kid” – photograph by @JeffFowle
#DadChat on Thursday, October 13 was the biggest one yet with over 124 contributors, 1,300 tweets, and 7,500,000 “Impressions!” Go Dads and Moms! Below is the “Cloud” of some of the participants and subjects (note: as we’ve grown so big, this is the last cloud!):

We are beginning to accept sponsors for #DadChat. If you are interested contact [email protected]. Only sponsors who integrate naturally with our content will be considered and then we will insist on a “soft” participation so as not to disrupt the chat itself. Good for the sponsor; essential for #DadChat.
First 10 Giveaway Winners:
Twitter Chats have become extremely popular as I explain and extol in “Blogchat: Faster Than a Speeding Bullet.”That tweet chat has become a sacrosanct Sunday night appointment for me. I love it. I also respect, enjoy, and sometimes join the #speakchat, #CMchat, and #UsGuys chats – all well worth joining. All such chats allow you to meet great people. Ours has already developed into a great forum with new and regulars joining us each Thursday.
The #DadChat Tweet Chat premiered Wednesday evening, April 20. It continues each Thursday, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST.Remember to use the hashtag #DadChat (caps don’t matter, btw…this just makes it easier to remember and see).
As a dad writer and radio show host, as well as a first-time author (see info on my book at “The Store”), I continue to feel that the man’s point-of-view is marginalized while mom bloggers, female talk-show hosts, and much of the MSM (mainstream media) dominate the subject of parenting and family issues.
The reality is it takes two to parent, ideally, and certainly two to “make” a child (barring artificial means). My view is that dads have as much to offer as moms and that motivated my initial foray into writing.
My writing has grown to include all the micro issues of family, from parenting, marriage, teens, faith, school, college, the impact of technology on our lives, and so much more.
The #DadChat Tweet Chat will include all these topics and more. Often I will reference one of the “A Dad’s Point-of-View” columns, old or new, as “required reading (aka “homework”)” though it is far from required or necessary to join, participate, enjoy, and learn from our chats.
A few suggested guidelines:
Treat everyone with respect
Limit SSP (shameless self-promotion) unless your link/site mention directly relates to the discussion
Invite your friends and help our chat grow
Consider using one of the many tools that make following chats easier, like Tweet Grid, Hootsuite, and others that will come up during our chats
Be respectful
Humor is ALWAYS appreciated; bad language is not
Go here if you want to know more “About Me.” I hope to “see” you on Thursdays from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST. I also welcome suggestions, topic suggestions, and feedback. Eventually we will have guest hosts, too.
Get Bruce’s new book and Limited Edition (of 500) Poster, A Dad’s Point-of-View: We ARE Half the Equation at Amazon, iTunes,, or The Store.