Because I Said So Cares

Because I Said So CaresWith such a national disaster as Hurricane Sandy hitting our country, we feel that we all should be doing our part to help out. Donate to Red Cross or help in any way you feel will benefit those tragically hurt by this horrific event.

Coming soon:

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What’s New TODAY?

I have been quite lax in updating this section of the website. My excuse. The dog ate my paper. I’ve got none other than I didn’t feel the need or urge to do this in addition to the weekly e-mail newsletter we send out. You did sign up for it – right up there to your upper left? Please do – you’ll get no spam. But, what is new? I guess for me it’s ALL about Hurricane Sandy and the “natural” reminder of how little we really control and how much we are at God’s mercy and/or our good fortune. My prayers are with the victims. I’m grateful my son – in Boston – is fine and, frankly, I’m grateful I got over my recent minor spat with food poisoning relatively unscathed. Stay tuned. I’ll try and stay on top of this posting more often!